Search Engine Optimization( SEO )

The first and the most inexpensive part of the fundamentals of digital marketing is seo which stands for search engine optimization. It is one of the best and simplest ways to increase a brand’s visibility. Seo can be explained as the process of optimizing the content through the strategic use of keywords and complying with the algorithm of search engines so that during a search on google, bing, yahoo, or any other search engine, they index the content and show it to the right people. The more visibility one can get through a search, the more are the chances of attracting traffic and potential consumers. 優化我們的網站使它在搜尋結果的排列順位出現地越前面的這個程序,就是所謂的「search engine optimization( seo )」,在搜尋結果頁面越前面出現,被看到的機會就越大,進而自然搜尋流量也會增加。. Not all leads are created equally. Thankfully, digital marketing allows you to narrow down your audience to the people who are more motivated to buy. And because digital marketing is so measurable, you can continuously develop your tactics based on results. Here are some of the ways you can zero-in on your high-intent customers with digital marketing: use seo (search engine optimization) to rank on google for keywords related to your products and services create digital ads that target web users who use high-intent search terms send out personalized emails

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Target Weekly Ad Dec 11-17

A targeted ad, in online marketing, is an advertisement that is served to a specific audience, which could be a particular demographic , a group or an individual. At its most basic, targeted advertising can just mean that ads are chosen for their relevance to site content, in the assumption that they will then be relevant to the site audience as well. There are a number of other types of targeting. Here are a few examples: contextual advertising targets people based on their behavior, such as the search queries they use and the websites they visit. Data from such behaviors are considered indicators for the individual’s interests to guide decisions about the ads they will be served. View the latest target weekly ad preview here or see more current weekly ads for other stores. Big y weekly ad december 15 to december 21, 2022 walgreens weekly ad december 18 to december 24, 2022 ingles weekly ad december 14 to december 20, 2022 menards weekly ad december 14 to december 25, 2022 dollar general weekly ad december 18 to december 24, 2022. The internet has dramatically expanded the modern marketer’s tool kit, in large part because of one simple but transformative development: digital data.

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Target Weekly Ad Dec 11-17 Ad and Deals

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How can I learn SEO?

搜尋引擎是幫助搜尋者查資料的系統。 要上網找資料時,很多人第一個先想到的總是 google,那麼搜尋影片最有名的平台就是 youtube 了,而如果在美國上網買東西, 亞馬遜 amazon 往往就是找商品的第一首選。 google、youtube、amazon 這些都是非常知名的搜尋引擎 (search engines)。 不過在主流 seo 行銷領域當中,討論搜尋引擎時幾乎都只會關心 google,因為它是目前市佔率最大、也是最重要的搜尋引擎(沒有之一)。 台灣搜尋引擎市佔率 (2020/07)。資料來源: https://www. Statista. Com/ 不屬於 google 的搜尋引擎優化通常會另外指名。圖片來源: learningseo. Io google 的競爭者,像是 bing、yahoo 等搜尋引擎就算加總起來連 google 的十分之一都不到,所以很少被提到;至於 amazon、youtube 因為有各自的商業生態,所以 seo 也是各自分開討論,而且會特別強調「youtube seo」、「amazon seo」等,不會併在一般的 seo 主題討論。. Machine learning即將在2021年爆發。雖然我們已經看到一些公司已經開始等進行搜索的machine learning,但我們並沒有真正體驗到它的真正力量。2020年將會是具變化的一年,machine learning不僅僅是google和seo的一部分。我們更需要採用machine learning來開發seo的獨特內容,加上分析和報告的需要,測試新策略和實施對於理解成功和失敗是必不可少的。 以上提及到的都是2021年你需要關注的seo趨勢,當然,這篇文章只是談及到表面,可移至我們的增長教室學到更多更深入的資訊。 延伸閱讀: 如何在sem與seo之間作 出決擇? /【 剖析seo】7大重點讓你看清什麼是seo 若果對自己的網上營銷策略存有疑問,我們亦歡迎你向我們預約一次免費的電話顧問諮詢服務。詳情可瀏覽: https://www. Growthspot. Io/zh-hk/free-consultation/ ‎‎免費預約咨詢. SEO 與 ADS 的差異比較 事實上,seo 是透過了解搜尋引擎演算法的規則,來調整與優化網站,使網站的關鍵字排名,能得到大幅度的提升,也就是所謂的關鍵字排名優化。 seo 是網路行銷的其中一個方法,透過一系列針對網站的優化,能夠透過程式碼優化以及外部連結優化的方式,提高網站排名與曝光度,使你所想要關鍵字能出現在搜尋引擎結果頁面(serp)當中,甚至是達到第一名的位置。 自然搜尋結果我們稱為 organic search,也就是透過 seo 優化後所得到的排名。若需要付費,則稱為 paid search,也就是透過投放 google ads 廣告所得到的排名。. 另一個常和seo搞混的名詞是sem(search engine marketing,中文稱為搜尋引擎行銷),它是指任何能提升搜尋排名的行銷手法,主要分成兩種,包含seo(搜尋引擎最佳化)和ads(付費關鍵字廣告),但現在談到sem大多是指付費廣告,因此seo和sem最大的差別便是在於付費與否以及排名到第一頁的速度。. 關鍵字研究分析目的是為了了解你的產業大家都使用什麼關鍵字做搜尋,知道慣用哪些關鍵字做搜尋之後再著手開始寫相對應關鍵字的文章(貼近使用者需求),文章才會被搜尋到。 不然即使寫了也是泛人問津。例如使用七言絕句寫的文章容易被google到嗎?一定很難,畢竟懂七言絕句的人是少數。 那回到主題要如何挖掘關鍵字呢? 基本的seo關鍵字就是你的企業服務名稱,如網站架設、辦公室出租,健康飲品、超音波拉皮之類的。 ads:google廣告提供的關鍵字規劃工具,透過輸入關鍵字即會出現每月搜尋量及關鍵字提案,但前提是你需要先刊登google ads的廣告,才可免費使用該工具。如下圖 這邊google ads的關鍵字提案都是撰寫的文章方向之一,也是廣為google使用者搜尋的關鍵字。 gsc:google search console也是google官方所釋出是用來觀察關鍵字的工具,透過該工具可以得知目前某網址的關鍵字排名、曝光、點擊等等。在gsc工具中透過觀察頁面的"熱門查詢項目"也是收集關鍵字的一種。 ahrefs:seo界無人不知的 ahrefs 在前2年前推出的免費seo工具,也可用來觀察關鍵字,重點是免費的。 點一下空白法:文章開頭就說明了關鍵字研究重要性,所以找尋正確的關鍵字很重要。點一下空白法,是基於chrome瀏覽器所提供的小功能,免費又簡單。 就真的只要點一下空白鍵就可以了哦。請直接看以下影片示範。 滑鼠拉到底法:滑鼠拉到底法,也是直接透過chrome瀏覽器尋找相關的關鍵字。方式是非常的簡單,就真的把你的滑鼠拉到底就好了。請直接看以下影片示範。 付費的seo工具,如ahrefs付費版、 semrush 、 semrush 、 moz 、 neilpatel ,歐美還滿多的,但都不便宜倒是。 較不正規的做法,就是可以去ppt、mobile01、fb、蝦皮等大流量的網站,收集大家慣用的用詞有哪些。 以下是為 seo研究院 針對關鍵字研究做的總結 就是從混亂中去整理「關鍵字」與「主題」,這些要盡可能的貼近目標客戶的需求,並且找出優先順序。 從以上的結果,產生內容及相關策略(什麼樣格式的內容、數量、平台、頻率等)。 然後分析成效,再來修正。 當然最重要的就是,善用工具提升效率。. 白帽 SEO 與黑帽 SEO 白帽 seo:透過遵守規則,提升 seo 排名。 黑帽 seo:透過違反規則,提升 seo 排名。 灰帽 seo:遊走白帽與黑帽之間,相較於白帽 seo 而言,會採取一些取巧的方式操作排名,看似沒有違規,卻遊走在灰色地帶,只要哪天 google 演算法變動,網站就容易遇到大災難。 seo 的正確實踐方法,應該要建立在 google、bing 的合法演算法規則之上。 站長主要目的,應該將重心放在「 白帽 seo 技術 」,持續提供有價值的網站內容,並盡力滿足讀者需求。這才是搜尋引擎、訪客、網站三者皆贏,互利合作的結果。. HTML & CSS 優化 主条目: 垃圾索引 、 斗蓬法 、 付費連結 和 連結農場 垃圾索引 (spamdexing)意指透過欺騙技術和濫用搜索演算法來推銷毫不相關、主要以商業為著眼的網頁。許多搜索引擎管理員認為任何搜索引擎優化的形式,其目的用來改進網站的頁排名者,都是垃圾索引。然而,隨時間流逝,業界內公眾輿論發展出哪些是哪些不是可接受的、促進某站的搜索引擎排名與流量結果的手段。 因為搜尋引擎以高度自動化的方式運作,網站員通常可以利用某些未被搜尋引擎認可的手段、方法來促進排名。這些方法經常未被注意,除非搜索引擎雇員親臨該站點並注意到不尋常活動、或在排名算法上的某個小變化導致站點丟失以過去方式取得的高排名。有時某些公司雇用優化 顧問 評估競爭者的站點、和"不道德的" 優化方法向搜尋引擎報告。 當這些不好的垃圾索引被發現時, 搜尋引擎也許會對那些被發現使用不道德的優化手段者採取行動。在2006 年2月,google拿掉了bmw 德國站和ricoh 德國站,因為他們用了這些方法 。 斗蓬法 (cloaking)簡單來講就是網站站長用了兩版不同的網頁來達到最佳化的效果。一個版本只給搜索引擎看,一個版本給人看。搜索引擎說這種做法是不正規,如發現,該網站會永遠從搜索引擎名單中被剔除 。但是對於如ajax所撰寫的動態網頁,google也有提出名為html snapshot的作法,以方便搜索引擎進行收錄 關鍵字隱密字 (hidden text with keyword stuffing)是另外一欺騙搜索引擎的做法。通常是指設定關鍵字的顏色和網頁背景顏色一樣,或透過 css hidden attribute (隱密特性) 來達到優化效果。這種做法一旦被google發現,遭遇也會是該網站從google的資料庫中除名 。 橋頁 (doorway pages)也叫門頁,是通常是用軟件自動生成大量包含關鍵詞的網頁,然後從這些網頁做自動轉向到主頁。目的是希望這些以不同關鍵詞為目標的橋頁在搜索引擎中得到好的排名。當用戶點擊搜索結果的時候,會自動轉到主頁。有的時候是在橋頁上放上一個通往主頁的鏈接,而不自動轉向主頁。 付費連結 (paid link) 是利用支付費用方式要求其他網站提供連結至自身網站,藉此偽裝高信任網站來欺騙搜尋引擎,付費連結類型多為錨點文字(anchor text)類型,google的品質方針也明確指出以金錢交換的連結將可能對網站造成負面影響 。 連結農場 (link farm) 是故意在一些低質素,內容跟自己內容無關的網站上取得大量連結,藉以提高排名。. 第一章:搜尋引擎的運作方式 搜尋引擎有兩個主要的功能:抓取與建立索引,以及提供用戶最具關聯的搜尋結果列表。全球的資訊網路如同是大城市的地鐵系統。 每個車站都是一份文件(通常是網頁,但有時是pdf,jpeg,或是其它檔案)。而搜尋引擎需要一種方法去“檢索”整個城市以及尋找各個站點的方法,最好的方法就是使用網頁設計上的”連結”方式(link)。 第二章:與搜尋引擎的互動 seo搜尋引擎最佳化”的市場策略,最重要是讓你的客戶有認同感。一旦掌握目標市場的需求,就更容易行銷並且保留你的客戶。(在網頁設計時必須了解商品性質進行市場策略) 第三章:為何seo搜尋引擎行銷是必要的? seo搜尋引擎最佳化”最重要的一個任務是讓你的網站容易被用戶和網路蜘蛛了解,雖然搜尋引擎已經變得越來越精密,但仍然無法用人類的角度來看網頁,製作”seo搜尋引擎最佳化”用意是幫助搜尋引擎更容易解讀每個網頁,與分析網頁是否能夠帶給用戶所需要的內容。 第四章:seo搜尋引擎最佳化的基礎開發與設計 (上) 因為目前搜尋引擎無法完全解讀網頁內容,所以網頁設計時需要以搜尋蜘蛛容易索引方式製作。對搜尋引擎來說,它們看到的網頁跟我們並不相同。在這章節中,我們將把重點集中在網站的技術層面上,這樣的網站架構,在搜尋引擎與用戶的眼中才會相似。可以把這個章節分享給程式設計師,前端工程師,和網頁設計師,讓所有參與網站製作的人都有相同知識。 第四章:seo搜尋引擎最佳化的基礎開發與設計 (下) 不管是對用戶體驗還是搜尋引擎,網頁的title標籤一定要盡可能簡單明確的描述整個網頁的內容。基於這個因素,它也是網頁設計時,網站管理者操作seo最重要的部分。只要注意下面幾個重點,你就能在得到不錯的效益。 網站內seo - on-site seo 網頁seo (也可以稱為網站內seo)是指單在網站上執行的優化網站的元素(連結到其它網際網路與其它外部信息,統稱為非網頁seo,),從自然搜尋上,提高網站搜尋排序並賺取更多有意義的流量,藉由優化網頁內容與html程式碼的網頁來達成。 網頁因素 - on-page factors 以一個網頁的內容來說,為什麼值得目前搜尋的排名結果,是應該依照搜尋者的觀點來看的,當然對於搜尋引擎來說這也是非常重要的,因此,創建優質內容是非常重要的, 什麼是優質內容呢? 從seo的角度來看,所有好的內容都需要有兩個要點,好的內容必須提供需求,並且是可以被連結的。 標題標籤 - title tag 標題標籤是指定網頁標題的html元素。 標題標籤顯示在搜尋引擎結果頁面(serp)上,做為特定結果的可點擊標題,對可用性,搜尋引擎優化和社交分享非常重要。 網頁的標題標籤是對網頁內容的準確和簡潔的描述。 網頁描述 - meta description meta描述標籤雖然不受搜尋引擎排名的限制,但對於從serp獲得用戶點擊是非常重要的。 這些簡短的描述是網站管理員向搜尋者“廣告”內容的機會,搜尋者有機會確認內容是否相關,是否有包含他們查詢中搜尋的訊息。 alt 描述 在html代碼中使用alt 替代文字,也稱為“alt屬性”,“alt描述”,以及俗稱但技術上不正確的“alt標籤”來描述頁面上圖片img的外觀和功能。 重複內容 - duplicate content 重複的內容是指,相同的內容出現在網際網路上多個地方。 「一個地方」被定義為唯一網址(url),因此如果相同的內容出現在多個網址上,則表示你的網站內容重複。 ssl憑證是什麼?&為什麼ssl憑證很重要呢? ssl憑證是在網頁伺服器(主機)與網頁瀏覽器(客戶端)之間建立一個密碼連結的標準技術,使二者之間可以有可靠聯繫,讓資訊傳送時可以保留私人資訊與內部資訊,ssl憑證是一種企業標準規格,被數百萬個網站使用來保護他們的線上交易與顧客。 你的網站,是不是用seo方式製作? seo網站架構需為html5 + css 製作,並且適當的使用<h1><h2<h3>標籤,才是好的建置方式,也是一切seo的基礎,劣質的架構會造成,0分乘與100分還是0分的窘境。 robots meta 指令 - robots meta directives robots meta 指令(有時也稱為“meta標籤”)是一些程式語法,它們提供網頁爬蟲如何抓取或索引網頁內容的抓取指令,雖然robots. Txt文件指令也可以幫網路爬蟲提供了如何抓取網站的建議,但robots meta指令提供了更為嚴格的,指導網頁爬蟲如何抓取和索引頁面的內容。 schema. Org

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Why is SEO important?

Google still can’t completely understand the content of an image and needs your help to understand what it represents. What can you do? use image optimization for seo. This strategy allows you to provide textual data about the images. This can include alternative text (alt tag), filenames, image captions, image urls, and context (the text around the image). The important component here is the alt text, which is fundamental to the experience for individuals with visual impairments, as a screen reader reads the alternative text to describe the image to the user. The alt text should always be a description of the image and contain the keyword. To do seo you really only need 3 things to get started: a website, your brain, and data. Hopefully, you already have the first two, so let's make sure you have the right data. Data is everywhere in seo, from visitor analytics to keyword research, and especially link building. Your most important data is going to come from your website itself. To this end, we recommend making sure you have the following data sources set up. What is it, and why is it important? welcome! we’re excited that you’re here! if you already have

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4. ClickMinded Digital Marketing Course (Paid with Certification)

Clickminded intelligent award: top pick the clickminded platform is devoted solely to teaching people digital marketing. The digital marketing course is a bundle of seven courses designed to massively increase sales. Each of the courses is oriented around a different theme or space: social media marketing, content marketing, email marketing, paid advertising, sales funnels, web analytics, and search engine optimization. The courses are taught by marketers at the most successful tech companies on the planet like airbnb and lyft. Each course costs $997 separately, but the bundle gives you access to all seven for a highly discounted rate of $1,997. More so than any of the other courses included in this guide, this one practices what it preaches. 5. HubSpot Online Marketing Courses (Free with Certification) Ans. There are a number of websites and blogs that offer free study material on digital marketing. Most of these websites offer free digital marketing courses without any valid certification or internship. This hampers the opportunity to put all of the learning into practical use. Also, the lack of interactive sessions hampers your doubt-solving process. Therefore, you must choose a digital marketing course that offers live interactive sessions and placement assurance to make learning

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The 10 Best Online Courses on Digital Marketing (Free & Paid)

One of the best ways to teach yourself digital marketing is to follow an online digital marketing training course. A good course will help you build the skills needed to become a successful digital marketer fast and boost your career. In this post, you’ll find the best digital marketing courses available online. The list includes both free and paid digital marketing training courses from reputable organizations. Who should follow a digital marketing course? digital marketing skills are critical not only for digital marketing professionals but for anyone working in a business with an online presence. This includes entrepreneurs, marketing managers, marketing specialists, and small business owners. Digital marketing has been a booming industry since its inception. Its potential as a large-scale employer has been ascending consistently and is expected to continue in the future as well. Goldman sachs reports that the scope for digital marketing in india is estimated to be worth $165 million by 2025. Online digital marketing courses from emeritus explore how digital economies emerge and flourish, as well as how digital marketing will continue to influence the use of technology, consumer trends, and purchase decisions. These online digital marketing courses help you learn practices that are at

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Get started with Internet marketing with WebFX

The internet is vast, and with so many different types of internet marketing to explore, getting started can feel intimidating. Before diving into every platform at once, take time to consider what might work best to build your online presence. Ceo & founder of internet marketing ninjas in 1999, i started this company with the mission statement, “we will work toward bringing in the greatest amount of relevant traffic to our clients’ websites, using the most ethical methods available. ” that mission remains true today. Over the years, the game has evolved; the rules have changed, and how the game of seo is played has changed. But our services today still remain true to our original mission. When i started our internet marketing company 23 years ago, it was just me and a dream. That dream was to grow and be the best. 1. Strategy development the first and main goal is to develop an effective digital marketing strategy based on your company’s goals and objectives. Our internet marketing consultant will work with you from this initial part of the process. We’ll help you ask relevant questions to get you started: what are your company’s goals? who are your ideal customers? what can

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What Is Internet Marketing? Learn the Definition, See Examples, & More!

227k reads marketing is all about reaching your target audience at the right place and at the right time. With more than 4. 8 billion people using the internet today, internet marketing is one of the easiest and most affordable ways to reach your prospects. Sounds like a no-brainer, right? there’s just one question. What exactly is internet marketing? in this column, you’ll learn how internet marketing is defined, how content marketing differs from traditional advertising, and why marketers are so excited about it. You’ll also find examples of different types of content you can use to reach your internet marketing goals. Ready? let’s get to it!. Jumpfactor digital marketing , a company that specializes in various types of digital marketing campaigns, has the following definition of internet marketing: “it is marketing that is carried out exclusively on the internet. Marketing professionals use various online adverts to drive traffic to a specific website or web page. Email litsts, banner ads, ppc (pay per click), and social media marketing are examples of methods used in internet marketing. It is a rapidly growing business. ”although the aims of traditional marketing and online marketing are the same, marketers’ actions are quite different. Before the advent of

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What Is Marketing? Definition, Benefits, and Strategies

The simple answer is that there is a digital marketing strategy for every budget. The flexibility of digital marketing strategies yields benefits for just about every size of business, from small to large. With such a wide range of methods and strategies, it is not possible to provide a one-size-fits-all price tag for digital marketing. Instead, it is helpful to examine the digital marketing spend for different levels of business, as small companies will spend less than larger ones. For example: basic digital marketing — startups and small businesses do not generally have a large budget available for digital marketing. The 4 Ps of Marketing According to e. J. Mccarthy, the 4 ps of marketing are a simple formula for identifying and working with the essential elements of your marketing strategy. Product. Having a product is key and is the root of all things marketing. A product could be anything that a company offers consumers to satisfy a need. The best thing to do is to decide on your product or service based both on the needs and motivations of consumers and how the product would benefit the consumer, rather than on the object’s physical characteristics or attributes. Place.

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